If you’ve decided to build a home or simply update your kitchen, you may not know about all of the regrets many before you have faced in their design. Take it from those who’ve experienced home building regret. Here are the most common things people admit that they regretted after everything was said and done.

Lighting and Color Mistakes

Since lighting is usually the last thought home builders worry about, lighting done wrong may end up deterring from the feel of your home. Understanding how the light fixtures will affect your space before choosing them is an important element in the design.

You’ll also want to choose colors carefully. Choosing colors for walls, cabinets, and countertops will affect the feel and look in your kitchen. Make sure to pick colors and lighting that complement one another. You can always update wall colors but flooring and countertops are more expensive and time-consuming.


The placement you choose for your appliances or your sink is a big decision. Deciding on placement will affect your regular use of the kitchen. Talk to your family members about where they like and dislike the sink and appliances placement.

Size of Kitchen & Layout

Many people underestimate or overestimate the size of kitchen they want in their home. While you don’t want to feel your kitchen is massive and overwhelming, you also don’t want to feel crowded.

Choose your kitchen size wisely by discussing with your family your kitchen needs, the amount of storage you’ll need with cabinets and a pantry, and how many dishes you’ll have. If you do a lot of entertaining or cook frequently, you may want more space.

Along with size, make sure you’ve considered the layout. You need it to be functional and for appliances to be well placed.


You’ll have to make decisions on the type of flooring and countertops you want in your space. There is no right or wrong answer as this is personal preference. Look into your budget and the differences in option.

This is a very important room in your home. Make sure you avoid these common regrets when designing your kitchen.