Gina Mannella
Real Estate Expert Advisor

Gina Mannella
Real Estate Expert Advisor

Office: 248-937-1337
Cell: 517-294-1263

Raised in a big Italian family, Gina understands the intangible negotiating skills that her upbringing has provided her. In the past 6 years she has become an esteemed realtor, highly regarded by her clients and professionals in the field. Multi Million Producer right out of the gate! A current resident of Livingston County, she is well connected and actively involved in the community. Takes pride in helping families in one of the most invaluable decisions of their life. Dedicated to her client's enjoyable experience through expertise, amazing communication skills, and enthusiastic attitude! She works with a team of professionals on a daily basis and will be alongside you every step of the way. She is the unequivocal go to resource for all your real estate needs!


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