Marc Rosario
Closing Coordinator

Marc Rosario
Closing Coordinator

Office: 248-937-1337

Marc is the Closing Coordinator and has been with Mark Z since 2018. His primary role is to ensure all of our deals close as quickly and efficiently as possible.  Marc’s real estate experience is extensive and it allows him to come up with solutions when the situation is unique and calls for it.  Marc’s been in real estate his entire life: starting when he was an assistant for a top agent during high school, as an agent, an office manager for a mortgage lender, and eventually running the Compliance Department for the largest privately held bank in Chicago.

When not at work, Marc enjoys spending time with his friends, finding new restaurants, and going to as many concerts as possible.  He has two dogs, Jake and Sam, and they always remind him who the real boss is when he’s home.


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