Having a home library can be a great asset to any home especially when it comes time to sell. If you are interested in creating your own library in your home, you may not know where to begin or what things should be considered. Personal libraries can be a great way to celebrate and display your love of books and some of the greatest authors of all time. Here are a few things that can get the ball rolling to give you a space to retreat to when you want away from the outer stresses of everyday life.

The first thing to keep in mind is don’t be afraid to go big or stay small. Some people think that libraries need to be tiny areas but in fact you can have a large library as long as you have the space for one. You want to pick something you’re going to like and you want it to be a space you can relax in and work in if need be.

Combine Style and Comfort

Some of the most gorgeous libraries all over the world aren’t as comfortable as you’d think. When designing your library, make sure it’s both comfortable and stylish. If it’s not you’ll find you spend little to no time in it and it turns into a waste of space and money. Consider adding a fireplace or a TV in the room so you want to spend time in it.

Get Creative

This is always the fun part as some people have rather vivid creativities. Some people turn to older homes for inspiration and this can be a great way to pull in things you like from the olden days while giving it an update on some areas. Consider checking out libraries from different parts of the world to find what you like and what might work in your own personal library.

Libraries Aren’t Just for Books

Many libraries these days are diverse meaning people build them for more than their books. Some people put their favorite photos in them as well as maps of their favorite places or give it an olden day century appeal to it allowing it to be a place for reading and a place to go back in time.

Plan Your System

How you organize your books is up to you but you may want to have a plan as far as organization goes. Count how many books you have so you know how big to make your shelves and if you plan on adding to your collection, you may want to add in more space for later use.

Once all space is accounted for you can organize how you want. Some people organize their books by author, genre or other ways. Having a personal library can allow you to have a sanctuary and can also allow you the space you need for some quiet time to indulge in some of your favorite books.