If you've decided to build a new home, it's important to know what you should ask your builder questions. There are different approaches to this topic, but you're the one that will be living in the home, so you should be able to ask your questions whenever you feel it's right. Here's a good approach to asking your home builder any questions you might need answers to.

What type of Question is it?

Questions about the process, how to get approved, what will happen once the construction starts and other questions you may need answers to, when finalizing your decision, should be asked as soon as possible. If it might make the difference between which builder you use or whether you build or buy an existing home, ask those questions up front.

However, specific questions about design, it may depend on the question. Most builders will hold a pre-drywall meeting with you to ensure things, such as electrical, HVAC or plumbing can be caught before the walls are closed. It's better to ask your questions, especially if you notice a light not centered correctly or some other issue, before the walls are closed up.

A Rule of Thumb for Questions

One of the things most builders prefer is if you address any questions you have about mechanical items before the drywall is put up. This allows for things to be caught before the drywall goes up and makes for an easier repair or adjustment.

Questions pertaining to cosmetic items, such as paint, cabinets, trim or other cosmetic things should be asked during the final walkthrough. These repairs don't require destruction and can be addressed without much issue.

As you go through the building process, you will notice there are times when you sit down and discuss each step. You will get the opportunity to address design questions, customization, mechanical issues and cosmetic issues. Make sure you ask your questions at the right time and they will not only be better received, but they may also save you money and time.